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Analysis of China 's Home Textile Industry in 2013

In recent years, home textile is still at the stage of development, its potential is huge. As the current economic crisis in the impact of export-oriented enterprises, have fought home textile domestic sales. However, we still can still see the home textile industry in the domestic market development prospects. Here, we take a look at the 2013 China textile industry analysis:
First, the development of the industry
1, the industry is fully competitive industry, lower barriers to entry, more enterprises to enter, resulting in a large number of disorderly competition makes the industry profit margins are low. For the production of low-grade products, most enterprises, due to the homogenization of the product is serious, more intense competition, resulting in product sales gross margin level is low, generally less than 20%.
2, high-end spending power in the upgrade, the brand effect began to reflect. For the production of high-end products, the advantages of enterprises, you can maintain a high level of gross margin (30%), the main reason is that dealers and consumers on the advantages of corporate brand has a better reputation and loyalty; The advantages of enterprises by increasing product innovation, speed up product updates and other measures to maintain the overall sales price of the product is stable or even upgrade; Third, the advantages of enterprises have a strong sales network, faster and better to play a scale effect, reduce unit costs.
More textile industry information, please click: 2013-2017 China woven textile industry development analysis and investment potential of the report
Second, the industry business model
The characteristics of the textile industry business model is mainly reflected in the sales channel construction as the center, research and development, production and other links around the sales channel construction started.
At present, China's textile industry sales channels include the following: department stores, stores, home textiles supermarkets, supermarkets, wholesale markets, buy, online direct sales, television shopping, and the former five mostly. China's brand of textile enterprises are mostly through chain operations - franchise chain and direct chain, to channel construction and management. In the direct chain business model, the manufacturer directly invests in the establishment of retail outlets, to take in-depth management, the implementation of sales terminals, financial, material and business flow, logistics, information flow and other aspects of unified management.
With the domestic textile production enterprises continue to extend to the retail terminal, have established their own sales channels, chain management has become a textile enterprises, especially the brand of textile enterprises the most important business model.
Third, the "second five" home textile industry planning
"Twelve Five" period, China will seize the level of raising the value of the cattle nose, from the past the amount of expansion to the quality of the upgrade up, so that China has become a world consumer. At present, the protection of housing to speed up the construction of textile products will provide a broad market, and through the cultural connotation of the brand building and marketing, will accelerate China's textile and garment industry from the textile power to the textile power of the leap, so that China's textile consumption increased Speed will remain at around 15%, before the low after the high, long-term bullish. Although the relocation of consumption will be suppressed by real estate sales, but the wedding consumption is the next five years, the growth of home textile consumption, self-renewal needs to benefit from the urbanization and the release of rural market demand will become the rapid growth of the textile industry long-term support. With the success of Carolina, Fu Anna and Meng Jie, the capital market began to enter the Chinese textile industry, the textile industry will undoubtedly eventually enter a disproportionate period, 2012 will be more and more home textile brands began to use the capital market to expand the market Share, which means that more textile brands will be eliminated, the textile industry may appear a certain size of the reshuffle clean up.

